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2007 Quilt Legend Virginia Avery

(Show 113) Meet Virginia Avery. Jinny has been a guiding force in our industry for over 50 years! Jinny was a pioneer for quilting and patchwork garments and began teaching in the 60’s and didn't retire until 2005. Through her enthusiasm and teaching she helped people find their voice in cloth. Jinny quickly became a major influence during the quilting renaissance of the 1970’s and her efforts continued for decades. Her innovative approach of using patchwork in garment construction was groundbreaking and paved the way for the incredible popularity of art to wear.  Jinny not only let us take a peek in her home but offered a special view into her quilted clothing collection. We salute Jinny and thank her for her incredible contribution to our quilting industry. Her perseverance, dedication and love of this industry has made her our pick for the first TQS quilt legend – 2007!

Visit: Visit the home and studio of Virginia Avery in Port Chester, New York.

Quilt Legend, Embellishments, Piecing, Garments
Series 100

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